Health resort in the nature park “Schwäbisch-Fränkischer Wald”. Romantic small lakes, such as the known Ebnisee, grottoes, V-shaped valleys (Klingen) and historic mills characterise the area – an ideal region for hiking and cycling.
Small fort Rötelsee: located about 1.5 km north of the west fort on a hill east of the road Welzheim-Gausmannsweiler and 40 m situated inside the Limes moat. Of the small fort with an inside area of 324 m2, the fort walls have been conserved and the floor layout of the wooden internal buildings have been indicated with concrete plates. Prime example of a small fort on the Upper German Limes. Purpose: possibly the surveillance of a Limes passageway.
South of the small fort: Rötelsee Limes replica with moat, rampart and palisade.
East fort (Ostkastell) with archaeological park; Museum Welzheim, amongst other things with Roman section; observatory, Poetenpfad (poets’ trail) and “Wellingtonien” at the town park, St.-Gallus-Church with late-gothic sandstone sculptures, Schwäbische Waldbahn (forest train).
Welzheim belongs with its two big forts and a small fort to the most important military sites on the Upper German Limes.
West fort: 4.3 hectares, location of an equestrian military unit (ala), almost completely overbuilt, remains of the walls have been visualised.
WP 9/134: foundations restored.
WP 12/7 visible as a flat hill in the meadow. WP 12/8 with conserved foundation walls. WP 12/9 “Bemberlesstein”: foundations restored, parts of the Limes impressively preserved here. Conserved tower ruins WP 12/11 on an elevation. Excellent visibility from this point during Roman times (forest had been cleared during ancient times). WP 12/13 not a tower but a small fort with an area of 10.5 x 10.5 metres.
Lorch Monastery on the road Lorch-Pfahlbronn. North-east of the monastery near the presumed WP 12/14 is a replica of a wooden watchtower and of a palisade section. The tower offers a wide view and the palisade represents the Limes bend that used to be there.
Located outside of the straight Limesstraße on a plateau above the Lein. Preserved are parts of the enclosure with a reconstruction of the west gate in its original size. The entire area of the fort is now an archaeological reserve. Archaeological park with artificial stone casts and information boards about Roman Welzheim and the surrounding area. Excavated buildings marked with stone slabs; one of the fountains reconstructed. More Information in the towers of the west gate, accessible as part of fort guards and guided tours.
With a large Roman department. The museum also shows folklore collections, e.g. historical toys from Welzheimer production. In the adjoining buildings there is a blacksmith's and shoemaker's workshop.
A disabled toilet is available, disabled parking spaces are located on the church square (100 m from the museum). Access to the ground floor with the Roman exhibition is barrier-free, but not to the 1st and 2nd floors.
Tourist-Information im Rathaus
Kirchplatz 3
73642 Welzheim
Tel. +49 (0) 71 82 / 80 08-15
Fax +49 (0) 71 82 / 80 08-80
My Bikes by Scheib
Bahnhofstraße 18
71540 Murrhardt
Telefon und Fax: 07192/93665592
Lebendige Geschichte zum Anfassen und Ausprobieren, Kind- und jugendgerecht präsentiert.
Kastellwache mit 3...
Gschwender Straße 7
73642 Welzheim
Tel.: 07182/8803
Kaisersbacher Str. 25
73642 Welzheim
Tel.: 07182/495003
Rudersberger Straße 4
73642 Welzheim
Tel.: 07182/8868
Tilsiter Straße 25
73642 Welzheim
Tel.: 07182/8318 oder 7325
Aichstruter Stausee
73642 Welzheim
Tel.: 07182/8008-15
73642 Welzheim
Tel.: 07182/8008-15