At its foundation in 1995 the aim of the German Limes Road association was to create a touristic route for motorists. Meanwhile more than 90 towns and boroughs are members of the association chaired by the Lord Mayor of Aalen as well as numerous districts and tourism alliances. It manages not only the German Limes Road but also the later on created German Limes Cycle Path.
By this means the Association managed to establish two important routes that allow to realize a touristic exploitation and impart knowledge about the Upper Germanic-Rhaetian Limes, which was declared part of the UNESCO World Heritage in 2005. By providing information and via its marketing activities the Association wishes to draw attention to its routes and to the unique archaeological site in Germany and abroad. Meanwhile the German Limes Road has become one of the most successful touristic routes in Germany.
In 2021, the Lower Germanic Limes and the western section of the Danube Limes were accepted into the list of the UNESCO World Heritage sites. Thus, Germany has a share in three World Heritage Sites, all of which bear the title of "Frontiers of the Roman Empire".
These Limes sections are also made accessible by the German Limes Road Association: Since 2018, the German Limes Road runs along the Danube Limes between Neustadt/Bad Gögging and Passau. Official touristic routes for motorists, cyclists and hikers are being established at the moment.
On the German Limes Road as well as on the 900 kms-long Cycle Path the travellers cross a variety of different natural landscapes and will meet, besides the Roman monuments, many sights dating back to different epochs. Special signposts and information signs will lead them to particular monuments and information points.
Furthermore the association provides support for its members and the museums along the Limes in event management and public relations. Meanwhile it has taken the responsibility for the long-standing Limes Hiking Trail, which was maintained by hiking associations before. By advertising and supporting the maintenance of this path, the association now promotes also the discovery tour along the Limes on foot.
In a series of interviews, our board members introduce themselves. Here you can find all interviews published so far:
Interview with Member of the Board Lord Mayor Jürgen Schröppel