The city of Passau owes its origins and development to its unique topo- and economic-geographical location. The rivers Danube, Inn and Ilz opened and still open the way to neighbouring and more distant areas of Europe. They form the basis for several thousand years of settlement history since the 5th millennium BC. Cultural and associated "economic" exchange can be traced in all directions from this time until today.
Old town with cathedral (bishop's seat from 739), Niedernburg monastery and town hall, Roman Museum Fort Boiotro, Veste Oberhaus with museum.
The Roman Museum Fort Boiotro is located in a late medieval craftsman's house in Passau's Innstadt district. It rests on the foundations of the late Roman fort of Boiotro, which the Romans built around 280 AD. In 375, the fort was evacuated by the military and fell into disrepair. The Roman diplomat Severin had a small monastery built in the ruins of the fort at the end of the 5th century. Remains of the monastery, the fort wall and the watchtowers are visibly preserved in the open-air area and in the museum.
In the new conception carried out in 2014, the Boiotro fort is the most important exhibit. 600 other objects with ancient sources, explanatory texts, figurines with audio stations and numerous models also convey a vivid picture of the 400 years of Roman rule in what is now Passau. The Danube, as the northern border, separated the Roman Empire from Barbaricum, while the Inn formed a provincial and customs border. Digital media such as touch screens, a light installation and a virtual reconstruction illustrate Passau's complex Roman history with its 5 forts and surrounding civilian settlements.
Guided tours by the city archaeology every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 5.00 pm. Group tours are also possible outside opening hours.
City of Passau
Tourist Information
Bahnhofstr. 28 and Rathausplatz 2
94032 Passau
Tel. +49 (0)851-95598-0
Fax +49 (0)851-95598-31
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