For a hundred years, Öhringen was playing an important role as a military base and a sizeable civilian settlement at the Limes in the Hohenloher Ebene. There were two Roman forts in the town area of Öhringen.
Precious finds from the Roman period in the Weygang-Museum, Rendelstein (wayside shrine on a Roman column shaft), Roman well, conserved tower foundations (WP 9/33), Öhringer Limes Blick (viewing platform), historic centre, Stiftskirche (collegiate church), Hohenlohisches Residenzschloss (residence castle).
Further information:
With two forts and a large civilian settlement, Öhringen was one of the most important troop locations on the outer Limes. There is no longer any archaeological evidence visible (everything has largely been built over in a modern way).
The Roman bath at the former Bürg fort south of today's hospital was built in the middle of the 2nd century. It was in operation for a good 100 years before the Romans left Hohenlohe. In the 18th century, the Hohenlohe archivist and court councilor Christian Ernst Hanßelmann discovered the remains of the Öhringen Roman baths through excavations. The bath is therefore also called the Hansselmann bath. Two display boards on site explain the importance of the complex and outline the main finds of the excavations.
Worth seeing: park with replicas of Roman stone monuments in front of the entrance of the district hospital; there is a small exhibition about medical care in Roman times in the entrance area of the hospital.
Weygang-Museum: Roman finds from Öhringen and Limes-Container, important civilian settlement between the two forts which was called, according to the inscription, Vicus Aurelianus.
Conserved tower foundation of WP 9/33 at the northern edge of the City.
North of sentry post 9/51 traces of the wall and ditch of the Limes line. This sentry post at Gleichen on the hill is hexagonal in layout; unique facility on the entire Limes. Probably the main point of the 80 km straight Limes line; Visibility up to 45 km.
Guard post 9/57 on the east side of the sea dam can still be seen today as a large mound of rubble. From WP 9/64 near Geißelhardt, south of the "Römergraben" inn, the Limes road can be seen and is easy to follow to the south. Next to it is a reconstruction of a wooden Limes tower.
Stadt Öhringen - Tourist-Information
Marktplatz 15
74613 Öhringen
Tel.: +49 (0) 7941 / 68118
Fax: +49 (0) 7941 / 68176
For accommodation in Öhringen click here (accommodation list in German only)
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Marktstraße 24
74613 Öhringen
Tel.: 07941/7278
Schillerstraße 4
74613 Öhringen
Tel.: 07941/989490
Schillerstraße 63
74613 Öhringen
Tel.: 07941/998129
An der Lehmgrube 17
74613 Öhringen
Tel.: 07941/943310
Karlsvorstadt 4
74613 Öhringen
Tel.: 07941/92000
Gastgeberverzeichnis der Hohenloher Perlen mit Öhringen und Umgebung
Verrenberger Weg 33
74613 Öhringen
Tel.: 07941 9898855