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Obernburg am Main

  • Panoramic View, Obernburg
    © Ingo Janek

  • RömerMuseum Obernburg
    © Holger Leue

  • Cycling, Obernburger Stern
    © Holger Leue


  • RömerMuseum Obernburg Kinderrallye
    © Holger Leue

  • Rose Garden and Panoramic View on Römermuseum and Almosenturm
    © Ingo Janek

Obernburg am Main

In the heart of Churfranken, nestled between the Spessart and the Odenwald, lies the Roman town of Obernburg - right on the Limes UNESCO World Heritage Site. After some large-scale archaeological excavations since the year 2000, the city is nicknamed "Pompeii am Main" due to the large number and the outstanding preservation of the finds. What the ash rain of Vesuvius once did in Pompeii - the compact preservation of the Roman environment - a thick layer of alluvial clay created in Obernburg.


Historical old city
Alms Tower and Round Tower
St. Anne's Chapel
Rose Garden
Kochsmühle – art & cabaret
Roman Museum
Local history museum (Eisenbach)

European Cultural Routes:

Roman walk:

Eisenbacher Runde:

Roman museum

Unique ancient finds can be discovered in the RömerMuseum in Obernburg.
From about 107-260/275 AD, the Romans settled Obernburg intensively and left numerous traces - in addition to much-noticed complexes of finds, such as a beneficiary station, a burial ground and a giant column of Jupiter, as well as other small treasures from antiquity.

Individual museum and city tours for groups – also possible outside the opening times with prior registration.

More information at

Roman Museum
Untere Wallstrasse 29a
63785 Obernburg
Phone +49 (0)6022-619117

Opening hours
Thu-Sun/holidays: 2-5 p.m
Museum tour by appointment

Roman city tour approx. every two weeks and by appointment.
Info at:

Cohort fort

The historic old town stands above the Roman fort of a partly mounted cohort.

Today's business street of Obernburg - the Römerstraße - runs over the main street of the fort, the via principalis. The Badgasse is located above the via praetoria - here the ground plan of the fort gate (porta praetoria) is also marked in the pavement with black stones. Around 107 AD, the Romans first built a wooden fort between the mountains and the Main. But they soon had to contend with the clay floods. Therefore, around 140 AD, the fort in stone was built 100 meters further north.

South of the garrison was a beneficiary station. Dedicatory stones from the special officers stationed there and numerous finds from the fort are on display in the Römerhaus Museum in Obernburg.

Watchtower rest of the Mainlimes

2.5 km south of the village, on the B 469, is the only visible remainder of the Main Limes watchtower in the forest.
In 1970, this tower was excavated on the Karlshöhe in the city forest of Obernburg (near the Waldhaus) and can be visited. Due to its dimensions and location as well as the finds of figures of gods, it is a mountain sanctuary in which the Roman quarry workers worshiped "Hercules" and "Apollo".


Römerstr. 62-64
63785 Obernburg a. Main

Tel. +49 (0) 60 22 / 61 91-0
Fax +49 (0) 60 22 / 61 91-39

