Hanau is the birthplace of the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and the starting point of the German Fairy Tale Route. The lively city on the Main and Kinzig rivers offers its visitors relaxation and entertainment. Gateway to the Spessart and Vogelsberg mountain. Approx. 92,000 inhabitants.
Not only an important economic and shopping centre and excellent industrial location, but also a hospitable place of peace and tranquillity. Hesse's largest and most beautiful weekly market is held on Wednesdays and Saturdays at the foot of the Brothers Grimm national monument on the market square in front of Neustadt's town hall.
German Goldsmiths' House, Historic Wilhelmsbad Spa and Comoedienhaus with Hessian Doll Museum, Adventure Game Park "Alte Fasanerie" and Hessian Forestry Museum, Klein-Auheim, Phillipsruhe Castle with museum and park. Grossauheim and Mittelbuchen museums.
Medieval district of Steinheim with castle and museum. Phillipsruhe castle Park: amphitheatre where the Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale Festival (open-air), known throughout the region, takes place every year. Under the motto "Discover Hanau's fairytale sides", the Tourist Information Office offers guided tours of Hanau and its districts on the first Saturday of every month.
In the district Hanau are three fort locations which have been discovered.
The fort on the Salisberg belonged to the older eastern Wetterau-Limes and its function was to control the “Mainknie”.
The foundation walls of the fort bath-house are visible on the grounds of the old cemetery of Kesselstadt. An older military installation with an enormous area of 14 hectares, which was however only used for a short period of time, is situated under today’s town centre of Kesselstadt.
Between Rückingen and Grosskrotzenburg the Limes has been preserved over longer distances in wooded areas south of Rückingen. The Limes is in a well-preserved state at WP 5/12 at the Doppelbiersumpf, east of Hanau-Wolfgang.
In the Museum Schloss Steinheim, the archaeological regional museum for prehistory and early history of the city of Hanau, the excavation results and the most important finds of the Main-Kinzig district as well as a Mitra room are presented. The rampart of a small wooden-earth fort at Neuwirtshaus, in Hanau's Großauheim district, is visible.
Opening hours: Thu.-Sun. 10-12 and 14-17.
Tourist-Information Hanau
Am Markt 14 - 18
63450 Hanau
Tel. 0 61 81 / 295-737
Fax 0 61 81 / 295-959
Steinheimer Vorstadt 70
63456 Hanau-Steinheim
Tel.: 06181664160
Fax: 06181661580