Consists of Rückingen and Langendiebach. First mentioning by Theodericus de Rukkingin in 1173, mentioning of Langendiebach in papal deed in 1238
Rückingen: former bath-house of the Roman fort (so-called “Altenburg an der Römerstraße”), Wasserburg (water castle) (1569) with local history museum (amongst other things with finds from the fort, open on every first Sunday of the month), Schlösschen (1564) (small castle), Langendiebach: defence towers
Fort Rückingen with an area of 2.5 hectares was located at the western edge of the town. Unfortunately, the complete area has been overbuilt with residential housing. It was however possible to conserve the foundation walls of the fort bath-house below a group of trees south of the Kinzigniederung. Its research has a long tradition which started from 1802 to 1804. The garrison of fort Rückingen was mainly responsible for the surveillance of a Limes passage over the Kinzig.
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