Surrounded by beautiful woods in the Hochtaunuskreis, it offers numerous leisure activities.
Remains of the fort Kapersburg (in the district Rosbach), parts of a Roman border rampart, historical town gate, Protestant church with organ (1782/83), Alte Stadtmauer (old town wall), Heimatmuseum (museum of local history) in Wehrheim and Pfaffenwiesenbach, former monastery Thron (1243), historical vicarage Pfaffenwiesenbach (1661).
The ruins of the fort and the related bath house are clearly visible.
Kapersburg belongs to the best preserved Limes forts in Hessen.
Particularly impressive are the two conserved fortification gates within the defence wall. Of the staff quarters in the interior of the fort, the standards shrine and parts of the formerly heatable scriptorium of the administration are visible. Furthermore, the remains of the walls of the granary are recognisable. Between the Limes and fort Kapersburg are the conserved foundation walls of the thermal bath building next to a spring.
East of Pfaffenwiesenbach is the small fort Kaisergrube. Its defence walls are clearly visible as a high rampart with upstream moat on the south side.
To the east of Langenhain there was a 3.2-hectare cohort fort, of which nothing can be seen today. The ruins served as a quarry in the Middle Ages, e.g. for the construction of the Gothic village church, where an inscription of the 22nd Legion is installed on the south-east corner.
East of Pfaffenwiesenbach is the small fort Kaisergrube. Its defence walls are clearly visible as a high rampart with upstream moat on the south side. A bit further north is the reconstruction of WP 4/16 on the Gaulskopf. The foundations are particularly strong and equipped with buttresses, which hints at an enormous height of the tower and makes its function as a signal tower likely. It is possible that there was visual contact with a tower of similar function on the Johannisberg in Bad Nauheim.
Dorfborngasse 1
61273 Wehrheim
Tel. +49 (0) 60 81/5 89-0
Fax +49 (0) 60 81/5 89-4710
For a list of accommodation facilities of Wehrheim click here.
Bahnhofstraße 4
61273 Wehrheim
Tel.: 06081-4456325
Saalburgstraße 3
61273 Wehrheim-Obernhain
Tel.: 06081-59666
Saalburgstraße 15
61273 Wehrheim-Obernhain
Tel.: 06081-5444
Bei den Junkergärten
61191 Rosbach v.d. Höhe
Tel.: 06003 822222