The town of Pohlheim is located in the district of Gießen and is a true idyll with 462 ha of forest. The roots of the town go back to Roman times, which the name "Pohlheim" already tells us. The name Pohlheim can be traced back to the former village "Pfahlheim", which in turn refers to the pile dwellings and thus to the Limes. The Upper Germanic Limes runs through the area of Pohlheim.
Old church, Grüningen Castle, Grüninger Warte, Heimatkanzel, reconstructed Limes watchtower with rampart and ditch.
The Grüninger Warte, also affectionately called "Hoinkdippe" by local residents, is today the ruin of a windmill. In 1445, however, there was still a watchtower of the old Solms security system on the same spot. Watch towers were observation posts or towers. They served as fortifications for fortresses or towns. From them it was possible to notice enemies at an early stage and to warn the population by means of signal systems.
A monument to civic public spirit. In 1929, Prof. Robert Sommer (1864-1937), a psychiatrist, hiker and local history enthusiast from Giessen, had the Heimatkanzel built in Pohlheim.
Pohlheim town council
Ludwigstraße 31 and 33
and Kirchstr. 2
35415 Pohlheim
Tel.: 06403 606-0
Fax: 06403 606-666