The origin of the municipality goes back to a Roman fort. First documentary reference to Niedernberg dates from 1095. The trail around the village leads the visitor to the historic sites of the old village centre. An idyllic lake scenery in the south of the municipality invites visitors to sports and recreational activities. Excellent cycleways – Maintal- and Limes Cycleway – connect Niedernberg with its surrounding area.
Parish church St. Cyriakus (1461), Tower in the Turmgasse (14th/15th century), water tower (44 m, 1959), Historical Dorfrundweg (circular trail), Geschichtsbrunnen (fountain).
The Roman stone fort with an area of 2.2 hectares was located in the old village centre. It is, however, no longer visible. Signs with the floor layout of the fort and ground markings supply Information about the fort. There is a bronze statue (new design) of an auxiliary soldier at the Porta Principalis Sinistra. The crossroads of the main roads of the Roman fort, via principalis and via praetorian, correspond to today’s crossroads of the “Hauptstraße” and “Schulstraße”. Finds from Niedernberg are kept in the Dommuseum in Fulda and in the Stiftsmuseum in Aschaffenburg. A replica of the Roman fountain mask (silens), found in Niedernberg, has been installed as a gargoyle near the location of its discovery. At the newly designed Marcellusplatz (square), in the north of the municipality, is a replica of a Roman gravestone (Marcellusstein). Its inscription throws light on the cohort which was stationed in Niedernberg. An information sign about the Roman past of Niedernberg can also be found there.
Hauptstr. 54
63843 Niedernberg
Tel. +49 (0) 60 28 / 97 44 - 10
Fax +49 (0) 60 28 / 97 44 - 25
For accommodation in Niedernberg click here.
Rosenstraße 2
63843 Niedernberg
Tel.: 06028 1238358
Blumenstraße 5
63843 Niedernberg
Tel.: 06028/99037090
Schmalzgasse 5
63843 Niedernberg
Tel.: 06028 20556
63843 Niedernberg
Tel.: 06028/9990