Situated at the edge of the Rhine-Main area by the wooded heights of the Taunus. Attractive pedestrian zone and old city centre with pubs, restaurants and shops. Thermal bath Taunus-Therme, Kaier-Wilhelms-Bad with “Kur-Royal Day Spa”, fitness centre “Kur-Royal Aktiv” in the Kurpark (spa gardens), walks from the Kurpark to the Taunushöhen. Numerous cultural and sports events of international standing.
Roman fort Saalburg, listed Lennéscher Kurpark with casino, “Landgrafenschloss” (castle) with landmark “Weißer Turm”, 2 Thai-Sala, openair museum Hessenpark (Neu Anspach)
This fort location is well known because of decades of intensive excavations by L. and H. Jacobi. Emperor Wilhelm II initiated the re-erection in 1897, a unique step concerning military installations.
In 2003, the expansion to an archaeological park was started with the reconstruction of further buildings.
The rooms within the fort serve today as a research institute and a museum for excavated finds from the Saalburg and other Taunus forts. The visitor can see reconstructed buildings made of stone and wood. After the entrance gate, there is the big granary (horreum) which hosts a part of the display collection. Opposite of this, there are the commander’s quarters (praetorium) with the museum administration and the Saalburg-Research Insitute. In the centre, there are the large staff quarters (principia) with an inner courtyard which is surrounded by an open corridor. This allows access to other rooms of the museum. In the past, these rooms were used as offices as well as scriptoriums and armouries respectively. Another museum building has been modelled after an ancient craft workers’ building (fabrica). Two wooden troop barracks (centuriae) with a completely furnished soldiers’ room (contubernium) complete the range of Roman buildings. There is also the museum’s café Taberna, where the visitor can also see furnishing objects which have been reconstructed after ancient models. At the rear of the fort, there are two reconstructed and functional ovens.
It is one of the special features of Saalburg that the floor layouts of the house and the cellar of the related fort vicus in the exterior area have been conserved after their excavation.
Parts of a bath house (thermea) and a lodging house (mansion) are amongst those things which can be visited. Stone cellars along the Roman road provide an idea of the former size of the civilian settlement.
Two reconstructed houses serve today as cash desk and museum’s shop. Visitors can obtain free information about the UNESCOWorld Heritage site Limes in the Central Limes Information Centre Hesse, which is located in the museum’s shop.
Behind the fort is a well-preserved section of the Limes with rampart and moat. Parts of the fort have been reconstructed here at a historical passage. Besides this location in the area surrounding the Saalburg are further reconstructions of archaeological monuments from the Roman period or from the time of the re-erection. They reveal themselves to the visitor during a walk along the 2.4 km long “Rundweg Saalburg” (Circular Trail Saalburg).
Römerkastell Saalburg
Archäologischer Park
Saalburg 1
61350 Bad Homburg v.d.H.
Tel: +49 (0) 61 75 / 93 74 - 0
Fax +49 (0) 61 75 / 93 74 - 11
About 400 m east of the federal road is WP 3/68 at the Fröhlichemannskopf. The foundations of this unusually large stone tower have been conserved. The foundations of the adjacent WP 3/69 in the northeast are also visible today. The Limes has largely remained in an excellent state between fort Saalburg and fort Kapersburg.
Special trips, adventure for kids and adults (z.B. archery, Roman clothes), offer for Schools, walking tour at the limes, celebrations with culture programm
Information: Römerkastell Saalburg, Tel. +49 (0) 61 75/93 74-20
Kur- und Kongreß-GmbH
Louisenstraße 58/Kurhaus
Postfach 1845
61288 Bad Homburg v. d. Höhe
Tel. +49 (0) 61 72 / 178 - 3710
Fax +49 (0) 61 72 / 178 - 3719
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