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  • Theilenhofen - Roman Fort
    © Verein Deutsche Limes-Straße, Fotografie: Michael Schneidt

  • Theilenhofen Limes Info Point
    © Verein Deutsche Limes-Straße

  • Limes Info Point

Theilenhofen between Altmühltal and Brombachsee

Was founded already in the 9th century and offers a beautiful view across the low mountain range of the Hahnenkamm. The Limes-line is not far away from the municipality and located on a high plateau, on which the Romans erected the fort “Icinia-cum” for protective purposes and a fort bath house.


Exposed fort bath house 900 m northwest of Theilenhofen and Limes tower with sections of the Limes at Rittern.

Fort bath house in part conserved

Fort bath house: located in a valley. Walls from the more recent building period excavated and conserved.

Fort marked by planting of trees

Fort: a stone column marks the northeast corner; footpaths mark the course of the enclosing walls, whereas the fort corners are marked by the planting of trees. Its location on a high plateau guarantees a good visibility.


Seestraße 12a
91738 Pfofeld

Tel. +49 (0) 98 34 / 697
Fax +49 (0) 98 34 / 975-662


Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Gunzenhausen
Gemeinde Theilenhofen
Reutbergstr. 34
91710 Gunzenhausen

Tel. +49 (0) 98 31 / 67 74 - 0
Fax +49 (0) 98 31 / 67 74 - 26

